Intimate Getaways: Something Unique

An anniversary trip can integrate romance, trust and intimacy, whether it’s a wooden anniversary in Amsterdam or a re-creation of your honeymoon after twenty five years. And then you have those lovebirds who are almost at the 40 -year mark? Different from a honeymoon where a couple wants to relax and have fun, especially after the

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Weekend Getaways Not Far from Home

Life is short – fit in some enjoyable weekend getaways every now and then to chill out, have a good time, and get away from your daily routine. But finding the best place for such a quick trip is not always very easy. The following is a list of some perfect spots for a weekend trip you will love. New York City You can go to New Yor

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The One Cleaning Solution to NEVER Use On Your Garden Fountains

Water fountains will last a very long time with regular cleaning and maintenance. It is easy for foreign items to find their way into outdoor fountains, so keeping it clean is important. Additionally, anywhere light from the sun combines with still water, algae can form. In order to prevent this, there are some basic ingredients that can be mixed i

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Egyptian Gardens and Their Influence on Europe

The Egyptian gardens are the most historical gardens that we have particular records of. Dating back into the centuries before Christ, pictures and engravings demonstrate that Egyptian homes were built around a collection of courtyards that showcased flora that was both functional and elaborate. Originally, a row of trees along the inner wall of th

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Free Drinking Fountains in Berkley, California

The 1st American city to implement a tax on sweet drinks was Berkley, California in February 2014. By taxing sugary drinks, the city hopes to motivate a lot more people to go with healthier options, such as water. Attempts were made to find out the state of local drinking water fountains in both high- and low-income neighborhoods. Facts on the city

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